Hours of Operation

  • Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 4pm
Mental health care that you can count on.
a group of medical staff

The well-being of every individual is in the primary interest of Pathway Virtu-Health. We ensure better health outcomes by streamlining the essential mental health services that will best promote your wellness. The commitment of our psychiatric professionals to quality mental healthcare services allows us to keep your health at its maximum capabilities.

With Pathway Virtu-Health, you are in good and capable hands. Access to quality virtual or in-person consultations and advice is made readily available through digital communication. Your health concerns are just one call away from us. Contact us today, so we can better accommodate your needs.


Our mission is to help improve the health and wellness of our community by providing quality mental health care and comprehensive psychiatric solutions for every individual.


Our vision is to provide accessible mental health solutions to the community and help people achieve better health outcomes.

Find your path to health with us by sending a message.